Awesome victory for Andreas Seewald of Team Rocklube Revolutional Racing. He has won the Swiss Grand Raid BCVS marathon race on his new Konstructive AMMOLITE race fully (Radl Rasti team design). After 125 km and 5,025 m of vertical climbing Andreas finished on top of the podium. Congratulations for this great result!

Andreas Seewald is the winner of the Grand Raid Swiss bike marathon on his Ammolite Race Fully
Andreas Seewald is the winner of the Grand Raid Swiss bike marathon on his Ammolite Race Fully 504 504 revrider[dt_gallery_masonry image_sizing=”resize” image_border_radius=”0px” project_icon_border_width=”0px” include=”24591,24156,24154,24598,24160,24158″][dt_gap height=”20″]